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Railroad Bridge

category: transportation

catalog number: 4-5-6-D

series number 4

size: 2.25 inches by 3.5 inches

railroad bridge

About this Image:

It is not always a mere whim that causes a pair of winged builders to violate the usual fashions of bird-architechture, or to select a site for their home that might well make respectable bird-society gossip and stare. No, indeed! However "queer" or eccentric the little couple may seem to their own kind, the girl or boy, or gentle wise man, who finds their deserted nest in the autumn, soon observes that the thing which made it peculiar, as birds' nests go, was the very thing that made it more safe or more comfortable than birds' nests usually are….The American robin has been known to build on the trestle of a railroad bridge, over a wide sheet of water, on which trains passed as least every hour.

St. Nicholas Magazine, May 1883

price: $12.00

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